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Lose fat permanently, stay cool with Cool Sculpting by Zeltiq

Published by Leon Tcheupdjian

Lose stubborn fat forever with Cool Sculpting

The Liposuction and Cosmetic Surgery Institute is a Cool Sculpting Certified Practice.

Approximately three years ago, after years of speculation, a new product was introduced to me called Cool Sculpting. I had heard rumors swirling of a new technology that somehow cryogenically removed fat from the body, but never in my wildest imaginative state could I have dreamed that we would have such an innovative, and more importantly effective, treatment in our hands so quickly. But that’s exactly what we had, and what we still have three years later.

Cool Sculpting, which uses cryolipolysis to safely and effectively remove fat without any incision or surgery, become the latest and hottest – or should I say coolest?— procedure in our Chicagoland facilities located in Chicago’s Gold Coast, Oak Brook, Naperville and Arlington Heights. When it comes to small areas of stubborn fat, Cool Sculpting is the most innovative, non-surgical and natural way to quickly lose those annoying bumps and bulges.

I see patients with this stubborn fat every day. No matter how much effort my patients put into eating healthy and exercise, certain areas of fat just will not go away, that is without a little help from the Liposuction and Cosmetic Surgery Institute. This clinically proven and FDA approved procedure involves freezing fat cells without damage to your skin. There’s no knife. No incision. No anesthesia. No needles. No lasers. Typically you will see a reduction of fat in the treated area after one visit, and any fat cells removed as a result of Cool Sculpting will never return. Patients can eliminate even more fat with additional appointments, if deemed necessary. The result is better fitting clothes, looking better in the mirror and increasing self-esteem.

Men have stubborn fat, too … get rid of it for good with Cool Sculpting

Is Cool Sculpting what you have been looking for? Women love this new treatment, but it also works just as effectively on men. Somewhere beneath that spare tire is the “you” you once knew. There just aren’t enough crunches or crazy TV gimmicks claiming to shrink that waistline in the world that will help you lose that stubborn fat. Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed, as the experts at the Liposuction and Cosmetic Surgery Institute apply their knowledge and experience to your body and re-invent the you that you have been searching to see again. And judging by what others experienced, you reclaim a lot more than a slimmer body you will reclaim an increase of self-confidence and self-esteem.

I love liposuction. I am the Lipodoc, remember. I love how I can sculpt the body and give it that artistic element with liposuction. But I also love new technology. And I love being able to offer the latest technologies to my patients. Cool Sculpting is a near-perfect treatment for those stingy pockets of fat that haunt so many of my patients. The effectiveness and ease of the Cool Sculpting treatment simply cannot be ignored. And check back in a few days, when I reveal exciting new applications for the Cool Sculpting treatment, just recently approved by the FDA.

To schedule your free Cool Sculpting consultation, visit us by clicking here or calling 847.259.1000

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