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Brazilian Butt Lift, Pippa Butt Lift: A great procedure with great results, whatever you call it

Published by Leon Tcheupdjian

Did Pippa Middleton start a butt lift trend?

About a year and a half ago, unbeknownst to me, Kate Middleton’s sister Pippa stole the show at the royal wedding with, there’s no better way to say this, her butt. In the weeks following the royal wedding, Web sites, Facebook pages and Twitter accounts began showing up dedicated to nothing but Pippa’s back side. (Here’s proof.)

Seeing as how I paid little or no attention to the royal wedding, I only recently learned of the obsession with Pippa’s butt when I read a recent report from that reported searches for “butt lift” on their Web site have risen 39 percent in the time since the wedding (more than any other search has gone up in the same amount of time).

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports ‘Pippa Butt Lift’ requests on the rise

Recently, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons also reported that patients have entered their plastic surgeons’ offices asking for the “Pippa Butt Lift.” I haven’t experienced that yet, but I have seen an increase in what we traditionally call the Brazilian butt lift. And at the risk of sounding too crass, don’t let anyone tell you there’s any difference between the two. If there’s a special technique that goes into the “Pippa Butt Lift” I don’t know about it, nor do I know any of my colleagues across the world who know about it.

Truth is, the Brazilian butt lift, Pippa butt lift, whatever you’d like to call it, has been around for years. And it’s a relatively straight forward procedure that generates great results for our patients.

Although the procedure has been around for quite some time, recent improvements to fat transfer equipment have made the procedure more proficient and leave the patient with a quicker recovery.  Our surgeons at our suburban Chicago locations and our Chicago plastic and cosmetic surgery center have done an increasing number of Brazilian butt lifts during the past two years.

New advances in the Brazilian Butt Lift have meant better results and less recovery time

Like I said, I don’t have any evidence to suggest that Pippa Middleton has anything to do with that trend, but what I can say is that we’re sending more and more patients home with better and better results with seemingly every passing month.

Now is the time to start thinking about getting yourself into your bathing suit figure. Wait too long, and you’ll be playing catch up, which will cost you valuable time to show off the body you’ve worked so hard to create. We can most certainly jump start it with a Brazilian butt lift.

If you have a question for Dr. Tcheupdjian, you can always contact him by filling out our online form. Click here to fill out the form.

-Dr. Leon Tcheupdjian, M.D.

-Leslie Forrester, R.N.

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