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Liposuction and Botox – The Universal Cosmetic Procedures

Published by Leon Tcheupdjian

From the desk of Dr. Leon Forrester Tcheupdjian, M.D.

Cosmetic Surgery … A Worldwide Interest

The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery recently revealed their list of the top seven cosmetic surgery countries in the world. Before I get to what I found interesting about their list, I’ll kill the suspense and get the list out of the way.

  1. South Korea
  2. Greece
  3. Italy
  4. Brazil
  5. Colombia
  6. United States of America
  7. Taiwan

Draw your own conclusions about that list, but what jumped out at me were the most popular procedures in each country. Without fail, as I examined each country’s list, liposuction and Botox emerged as the universally most popular procedures worldwide. And that doesn’t surprise me.

Liposuction Rules the Cosmetic Surgery World

Liposuction draws no boundaries. People of both sexes, all colors, all shapes, all sizes can benefit from liposuction. And the liposuction procedure itself is one that provides outstanding results with little stress on the body. We don’t use general anesthesia, so the recovery time is minimal. Most of my liposuction patients return to work the next day without any obvious inkling that they’ve had liposuction done.

And liposuction has evolved over the years. We now have vaser, laser, smart, water, tickle liposuction. As new modalities emerge, interest in liposuction is piqued among the general population. But no matter what they call it, liposuction still comes down to the same principle: permanent fat removal.

People always ask me, “Doctor, can my fat return?” The short answer is no. Once I remove those fat cells from your body, they’ll never return. Fat cells expand and contract, they don’t multiply. But that doesn’t give you license to return to your Big Mac diet. Just because you have fewer fat cells, doesn’t mean you’ll avoid obesity problems, but I digress.

I think it’s important to realize that people from all walks of life, all over our great earth, benefit from liposuction every day. I’ve made it my life’s goal to perfect the art of liposuction, and it’s refreshing to know that in a world filled with ever-growing technology and innovation, liposuction, a procedure that’s been steadfast for decades, isn’t going anywhere. There’s no replacement for liposuction.

Botox, Cosmetic Medicine’s Greatest Gift

If you know me at all, you’ve heard me say that Botox has been the greatest gift to non-surgical cosmetic procedures, and this list confirms that. While it’s also the most powerful toxin known to man, when used correctly, it can be the most powerful cosmetic product in the world.

And it’s ever evolving. New Botulinum Toxins are emerging, at increasingly rapid rates, free of surrounding proteins that prevent patients from becoming immune to their properties. These are great innovations. But amongst all the innovations, similar to liposuction, Botox is Botox at the heart of the matter. And the positive effects of Botox will stay constant.

It’s an exciting time to be a cosmetic surgeon. Speaking of that, I have to go. My waiting room will be bustling with patients soon. Thanks for reading.

-Dr. Leon Forrester Tcheupdjian, M.D.

-Leslie Forrester, R.N.

-Liposuction and Cosmetic Surgery Institute

If you have a question for Dr. Tcheupdjian, you can always contact him by filling out our online form. Click here to fill out the form.

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