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Silicone Or Saline? Which Option Makes Sense For Your Breast Augmentation In Chicago

Published by Leon Tcheupdjian

As a leading resource for women choosing breast augmentation in Chicago, the team at the Liposuction and Cosmetic Surgery Institute understands that our patients choose this popular surgery option for a diverse and comprehensive range of women. For some, moving forward with breast augmentation in Chicago is simply about looking and feeling better in their own skin. For others, their choice to undergo this procedure is about helping them enjoy a major boost in self-esteem. Whatever their reasons, I personally have had the privilege of helping my patients achieve their personal goals and results with their breast augmentation surgeries.

Discussing Your Options During A Consultation For Your Breast Augmentation In Chicago

Once you’ve decided that you’re ready to move forward with a breast augmentation in Chicago, it’s important to schedule your surgery consultation. Here, you will have the opportunity to discuss the procedure at length and get the answers you need to any of your questions. One key topic that will be discussed during your surgery consultation: Which type of breast implant makes the most sense for you?

When discussing implant options for your breast augmentation in Chicago, the discussion will focus on two specific implant types: saline and silicone. While we will discuss both of the options at length with you, many patients do find it helpful to have some preliminary information on both before they have their consultation.

Some key tips to know on each include:


Silicone breast implants are formed from silicone gel, a thick and sticky fluid. Many feel that the density of the final product is very similar to the feel of human fat. The consistency of the gel, as well as silicone’s ability to hold its shape over time, allows this product to give a final look that closely mimics the look and feel of natural breasts.


Saline breast implants are a product filled with a saline solution (commonly known as sterile saltwater). When opting for this type of breast augmentation in Chicago, your chosen LCSI surgeon will insert an empty implant; once the implant is properly placed it will then be filled and inflated with the saline liquid to achieve the final size and shape patients envision.


While you may have a general idea about the type of implant you want for your procedure, it’s critical to consult with one of our veteran surgeons before making your final choice. At the Liposuction and Cosmetic Surgery Institute we will conduct a thorough evaluation of a wide range of important factors before making our recommendation. We will partner with you throughout the process to consider things such as your body and current lifestyle to determine if one product is better suited for your needs. We can also discuss any financial restraints you may have to ensure that you find an option that works with your budget. Most importantly, saline and silicone come in varying volumes, depths and widths, so we can use the consultation process to truly determine the perfect implant solution for you.

Still have questions about moving forward with your procedure? Contact us today at 847.249.1000 or to schedule your surgery consultation.

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