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Smooth Skin Beyond The Summer, Say Goodbye Cellulite

Published by Leon Tcheupdjian

Many of us with cellulite have been there: covering up with a jacket, wearing longer shorts, or even refusing to swim because you feel embarrassed of your cellulite bum. Despite the soaring summer temperatures, this condition might make you feel like an anomaly by hiding your skin.

It shouldn’t because not only is it incredibly common, but it is also a treatable condition.

According to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, more than 85% of women over the age of 21 face this condition of uneven skin texture.

Many growth factors can cause cellulite, but some of the most common ones include the presence of fatty tissue, estrogen, long-term inflammation and the circulation of our lymphatic system.

It is commonly found on the buttocks, arms and thighs. It also varies in appearance from cellulite dimples to having the skin texture of a lemon or orange peel.

While women are more likely to face this condition than men, there are no external factors that make each of us susceptible to it outside of our DNA.

Short-Term Anti Cellulite Products and Treatments

As beauty trends thrive and fade, getting rid of cellulite has remained a popular topic for years. This has led to the creation of many products that either hide or temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite.

One product involves compression or textured leggings. While this can erase uneven skin during wear, once these anti cellulite leggings are taken off, this skin condition returns almost instantly.

Hard textured plastic or solid foam rollers are also used to reduce cellulite by breaking up fat cells under our skin. While the FDA has proven that this repeated process can break up some fat cells, the reduction of cellulite varies between hours, days or not occuring at all.

Massage services offer a cleansing treatment that is said to reduce cellulite. It releases toxins and improves blood flow within the ligaments, tissue, and organs connected to our lymphatic system. This light pressure massage, known as the lymphatic drainage massage, has reported cellulite reduction for a little over a month.

Longer term results: Cellfina vs Cellulaze

Subjecting your legs, arms and rear to daily or weekly solutions for eliminating cellulite seems tedious and tiring. There are two solutions with FDA approval that offer more long term solutions.

One of these treatments is known as Cellfina Reduction Treatment. Once the desired treatment areas are determined, a numbing agent is applied and a microblade is used to weave through the uneven fatty tissue. The blade’s fibrous bands are strung together to create an evenly textured appearance throughout the targeted area.

This procedure can be conducted in as little as 30 to 60 minutes with less than a day’s worth of downtime.

Cellulaze is the second treatment used for long-term results. This treatment uses a laser to attack the fibers responsible for producing the uneven appearance of cellulite. Like Cellfina, this treatment is minimally invasive and can be performed in just one session.

Following the procedure, the client might opt for little to no downtime the day of the treatment. This is due to some aching and soreness similar to what is felt after an intense workout.

Both Cellfina and Cellulaze vary in how much time it takes to see results of cellulite erasure. Some clients have reported same day or week results. Others have had it take several months for their desired appearance to take shape. Cellfina’s results can sustain for at least two years following the procedure, while Cellulaze lasts for just over a year.

Comparing these treatments side-by-side, more clients gravitate toward Cellfina due to longer lasting results, little to no downtime following the procedure, and being less invasive.

Some factors that can prolong the results of Cellfina or Cellulaze include a healthy diet and exercise.

Anti Cellulite Treatment Chicago, Illinois

With the summer heat in full swing, we want you to feel confident in your own skin. Discover the right solution for your cellulite not just for this summer, but for so many summers to come.

Schedule a consultation with one of our surgeons at the Liposuction at Cosmetic Surgery Institute by calling 847-259-1000.

We want you to feel comfortable showing off your skin and stop sweating by hiding your cellulite.

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